Tuesday, August 11, 2009

CFP: Sandrizona Fall 2009

Sandrizona 2009
The Second Bi-Annual UCSD - U of AZ Linguistic Anthropology Exchange
October 16th and 17th, 2009
Hosted by the University of Arizona

In an effort to nurture professional connections and scholarly exchange between graduate students interested in issues of linguistic anthropology at the University of California, San Diego and the University of Arizona, this is the second half of the first successful workshop.

We invite research dealing with all aspects of language, including, but not limited to:
Language and society
Language socialization
Politics, ideologies of language
Language and identity (gender, age, ethnicity, etc.)
Minority languages, multilingualism, and other languages in contact
Gesture, Sign language, and other multimodal forms of communication

Research projects may be at any stage of completion, and be solo or joint projects. Polished presentations are not expected. Instead, we visualize this one-and a half day exchange as an opportunity to talk through our ideas with a fresh, receptive audience of our peers and interested professors, and to receive and provide productive feedback. Each participant will have a total of 35 minutes to discuss their work; however, we will limit the number of
presentations in order to give adequate attention to each project.

We invite interested participants to submit (a) an abstract (250 words) describing their research project, and (b) a biographical/professional description (150 words). Please make a note at the top of your abstract whether your presentation will focus on a) work-shopping new original data and theoretical analysis or b) preparing for a larger conference or job talk or c) other. Please include your name, institutional affiliation, department, and email address.

All submitted materials will be distributed at the event. However, those selected to present during the workshop will have their materials distributed to all participants prior to Sandrizona, in order to encourage a high level of participant feedback. Housing with U of A graduate students will be available for those graduate students visiting from UCSD. UCSD students, please submit your abstracts and biographies to Elizabeth Peacock (eapeacock@ucsd.edu). U of A students, please submit your materials to Ashley Stinnett (astinnet@email.arizona.edu). All materials are due by 5:00pm, September 1, 2009.